Events & News

  • KiV - Wicked Playground. 29.10.2022. Oslo, Norway

    Wicked playground is a big kinky Halloween party arranged by

    The event took place in Chateu Neuf in Oslo.

    I went to the party with HKB and MistressYuuki and we had an interesting start of the evening as once we got inside and left our coats, bags and phones in the wardrobe, the firealarm went off and everyone had to get out. It didn’t take too long before the situation was under control (no fire) and we could get back inside. This did not put down our mood though! We were still ready for partying.

    This event has a dresscode, and people did definitely not disappoint! There were so many gorgeous and amazing halloween costumes as well as more fetish-related outfits.

    I must also mention that this is the first fetish party I have ever been to, where they even provided a few private changing rooms by the wardrobe for the attendees, so that is a big gold star in the book for them!

    We continued further into the venue and got to the main room which was a bar area, dance area and a place to sit and enjoy the drinks. The DJ was on stage setting the mood with great electronic music and people were dancing through the whole evening.

    During the night we also got to see a great performance of Big Daddy Karsten, who is known as the only openly gay rapper in Norway.

    Further into the venue there was a big play area. Here you could both participate and see people having consensual, intimate and kinky fun without judgement.

    I’m already excited for next year’s Wicked Playground and other parties they will be hosting! :D

    In the photo you see me, HKB and MistressYuuki. Photo was taken after the event as photos were not allowed in the venue.

  • Evrysome - ICONIQUE. 30.9.2022. Oslo, Norway

    Evrysome had another event in Storgata 26 and this time I went with my friend Zeta The Coyote who was visiting from Kentucky, USA!

    This was a fun and sexy party full of gorgeous people and energetic music. People are encouraged to take it all out with their outfits, so both me and my friend arrived in our black latex catsuits :D

    There is no judgement in this event and everyone is welcome just as they are <3

    We started the evening with a drink, before going to the dance floor which had color-changing tiles that reflected beautifully in our shiny catsuits. We were dancing until the sweat was pouring out from every opening of our suits and we needed a break.

    At 23:00 (11PM) the club opened the top floor which was used as the play area for the guests. Here people were allowed have safe, concensual, intimate fun in their own way <3 Here we also got to see an amazing shibari show and a fun whipping session.

    As usual, Evrysome’s events are worth checking out if you are interested in the underground subcultures, and want a safe place to start with :)

  • Gallery Vernisage: At Play 22.9.22 Oslo, Norway

    Kristian Jøraandstad is one of my photographers, and he will have a gallery exhibition in Vibes gate 10, Oslo. Here he will display some of his amazing works from 22.9.22 - 2.10.22! :)

    There will be photos of me in latex, and works he has made with the balletdancer Laetitia Bouffard Roupe from France.

  • SKYND concert 4.9.2022, Oslo, Norway

    The Australian industrial group SKYND had their first concert in Norway! :D

    This group has their own theme and way of doing things, as all their songs are strictly based on grim events that really has happened. From serial killers, to cannibals, SKYND covers it all ,and they do it amazingly both with the catchy music, and their appearance.

    I have been a huge fan of this group ever since they appeared, and it felt so cool to finally be able to see them live, and even on the front row! :) I went there with matching makeup as skynd herself as a tribute.

    The photo is taken by me, during their song “Richard Ramirez“

  • Sexhibition 26/27.8.2022 Oslo, Norway

    Sexhibition is a sex-positive event in Oslo happening every year in Rockefeller music hall. This year I didn’t go there as a guest, but to work both days. I had the amazing opportunity to have a stand where I could sell my fetish art and latex creations, and my manager was there to help me set up and managing the shop :)

    I also brought the painter Toto Lara with me, to make an even bigger space of art.

    We were fortunate enough to be placed in front of the stage, so we could see all the amazing shows! :)

    There were strippers, poledancers, giveaways, wet t-shirt contest, and a few comedic happenings on stage.

    In the rest of the venue you would find various shops with all kinds of toys, sexy outfits and shoes/boots for sale.

    If you felt like getting a spontaneous piercing that evening, the venue had their own little room for piercings too!

    There are also several unions around where you could learn more about certain topics, or sign up to their sites. Some of these were Spicymatch, Polynorge, and NorskStripp, just to name a few.

    And if you wanted something extra, you could check out peep shows or try a ball-throwing game to try and win a free lapdance from your favorite performer of the evening :)

  • F**ked Freaky Fantasy 29.4.2022 Oslo, Norway

    This is an event arranged by House of Evrysome and finds place in Storgata 26. This is an open space for everyone to freely express themselves and be who they want to be, as long it’s consensual, respectful and with the intention of love/positivity.

    To get in to this event we had to go through a security and outfit check by the entrance. Arriving in plain clothes would not get you inside as the event made it clear that this is a place to really go all out and show the real you.

    In the first floor there was a wardrobe where we could hang our coats and bags, and a bar where we could get our first drink.

    On the upper floor there were beds and a massive cage and a spanking bench where people could play and have their own “intimate” fun. This area was guarded with 2 security guards, and lube and necessary health items were provided on tables.

    In the basement area there were more bars to get drinks, a sitting group to just chill and socialize, here there were also Djs playing and people dancing.

    On each floor you could find a “sibling station”. This was an area marked by a big umbrella, and they are there for people to come and ask questions or get help by the “siblings”. the siblings was also handing out mood bracelets for people to wear to let others know how to approach them.

    The colors of the bracelets were:

    Green: I am open to being approached and / or in a flirty mood

    Yellow: You can approach me slowly, but take it easy

    Red: I do not wish to be approached

    These armbands could be changed as many times you wanted through the night :)

    If you wanted to do more than socialize, dance, drink or play, there was also ladies in the building that would do tarot reading and icing (tooth gemstones). You could also test your luck by spinning a wheel that had the outcomes: “Treat a friend”, “Nipple play“, “Get spanked“, “Give compliment” etc.

    All in all, this was a fun and sexy evening that I definitely recommend checking out :)

  • Fetish Masquerade 9.4.2022 Oslo, Norway

    Fetish Masquerade is an event arranged by The Wildside in Oslo, where kinksters and fetishists get to meet like-minded people, have fun and really show off their best wardrobe. The theme this year is “Venetian Masquerade” mixed with “Erotic Fetish“.

    After we got through security and entered the venue, we were met by groups of people getting dressed in latex by the wardrobe area. Right from the beginning I could feel a positive energy from everyone around me as we were all helping each other with outfits and the smaller details to look as good as possible.

    As we came to the second floor and main area of the event, the light was dimmed, creating a fitting atmosphere for the theme of the event. There was a bar/lounge area where we could have a drink, relax and socialize.

    From the bar-area there were 2 separate big rooms. One of them was a discotheque with electronic music and lots of energy among the people dancing. The other room was used for different shows, and also had a play-area where the guests could have their own consensual fun.

    As this is an event with a Fetish theme, consent, safety and privacy is the highest priority. For this reason, it was not allowed to take any personal photos or recordings of any kind, to protect everyone’s identity and personal lives. However, there was a designated photo-area run by the photographer of who would take photos of those that wanted to! :)